couple using computer reviewing finances

Sign documents on the road or from the comfort of your own home with DocuSign

We strive to make it easy to conduct business with us, and DocuSign® does just that. DocuSign® is a secure, safe and efficient way to sign documents without having to come to one of our offices.

With DocuSign®, documents can come to you anywhere you can receive email. Whether you are on your computer at work, your tablet at home, or your smartphone on the road, you can sign quickly and easily. And best of all, it’s free!


using phone to review document

Here's how it works:

  • When your documents are ready, we'll email you a link to them.
  • Click on the link to first answer a few questions to verify your identity.
  • Once your identity is verified, you'll be guided through the process of creating an electronic signature (no special tools or software needed).
  • With an electronic signature created, you'll be ready to go through the document and click to electronically sign and initial. Once you click confirm, both you and LOC will receive the signed document via email.

Features & Benefits

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Safe & Secure

DocuSign® uses the highest levels of security to verify your identity when signing a document, and your documents are encrypted in transfer process. 

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Sign Anytime, Anywhere

Whether you're on a family vacation up north, traveling the country for work or just busy out on the road, you can still sign your LOC documents thanks to DocuSign®.

Here to Help

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Digital Banking

Are you a digital banking user?
Login to send us a secure message

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Contact Us

Want to talk to someone?
Call: 800.837.4562
Text: 248.474.2200

Monday - Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday 9 am to 1 pm

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Make an Appointment

Need to come in to speak to someone? Make an appointment at one of our convenient locations.

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